
  • Keiki/ Tamari’i

    These two classes are for keiki/tamari’i (children) 12 & under. Keiki/tamari’i will learn and practice the fundamentals of Hawaiian and Tahitian dance, language and culture.

    JR Pikake (3-7 years old)

    Thursdays 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm

    Pikake (8-12 years old)

    Thursdays 6;00 pm- 6:45 pm

  • Modified/Beginners

    For the first quarter of our season, this class focuses on learning the fundamentals of hula with our beginners. For our second quarter, this class transitions to a modified class for students that need modified movements and a slower pace.

    Mondays 6:00 pm

  • Foundations/Returning Dancers

    In this class students 12 & over will practice and solidify the fundamentals of hula and tahtian dance, language and culture. Returning dancers will continue this class and will be joined by beginners in the second quarter where they continue to practice basis and begin to learn choreography.

    Mondays 7:00 pm

  • Intermediate/Advanced

    Our Lehua class is geared for intermediate to advance students. In this class we will continue to drill basics for conditioning, while fine tuning gestures, hand movements, posture and language. This class is faster paced, with more choreography. Placement in this class is based on Aunty Louella & Alaka’i recommendation, testing out of Maile class is required.

    Mondays: 8:00 pm

  • Drumming

    Learn the art of Tahitian Drumming! This is a fun filled class, where we practice the fundamentals of Tahitian Drumming. This class will have workshops with master drummer and mentor Olin Caban.

    Thursdays 7:00 pm